Hey guys, alright...this post is all about making "changes" before heading down to CP. For instance, I just signed up for this "8 week Body Challenge" at this workout place called"Seung-Ni" (SeungNi.com). It's this challege where they weigh you and your body fat, and all that stuff we all LOVE to hate, and its like a contest between teams that are built in the program. I felt before I head down to Florida for 5 months, some toning and tightening up wouldn't be a bad idea, haha.
What are some "changes" you guys are doing to prepare for the CP? Are you too trying to become 'bathing suit ready', or are you slowly cutting down the color of your highlights, in order to prepare for the Disney Look? OR do some of you find yourself actually studying more and improving on your grades, knowing that "just one more term" is all you have and then you're off to CP? Haha, I find myself doing that, but at times it backfires and then I get the bad mentality of "Who cares, I'll be in Disney in a few months". Take my fraternity, Tau Kappa Epsilon, for example. I love my brothers and what we stand for, but knowing that I'm not going to be at NU for the first half of the year, I admittedly am already 'checked out' for the reamainder of the year. COMMENT below and tell me what "changes" you're going through, good and bad, and hopefully we can all help eachother and be eachothers support system. After all, we are gonna be family in just a few short months :)
P.S. watch this AMAZING proposal @ Disneyland...it's the best I've ever seen :)
I'm taking my own heath challenge!! I'm also trying very hard to keep up my grades even though this semester has been a hard one. I think getting into the DIsney program has helped motivate me just a little bit more than normal.